Our Impact

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Letters of Support

As a city, we rely on HPAC to provide entertainment during seven to eight performances, five to six outreach programs, and educational workshops annually. These types of performances and programs contribute to the growth of businesses and organizations by bringing people to town and giving residents things to do in a small community.

The High Plains Arts Council has made quality investments in our school systems, scout troops, 4-H, retirement homes, Office of Human Development, Chamber of Commerce, Creative District, and other community service organizations.
— Hunter Arterburn, Station Manager of Flood Communications (Western Nebraska)
Carrie and others on the council have been working closely with Nebraska Extension, the City of Sidney, the Cheyenne County Chamber of Commerce, Cheyenne County Tourism, and others to earn a Creative District certification for downtown Sidney from the Nebraska Arts Council.

The High Plains Arts Council is working to foster arts in the community beyond just the entertainment opportunities they provide. They are a collaborative organization that believes in partnering with others to improve the community as a whole. Their volunteer support has been crucial to the Creative District project and I hope to partner with them on other projects in the future.
— Jamie Bright, Rural Prosperity Nebraska Extension Educator (University of Nebraska–Lincoln)

Dallas Brass Band

Clinic with Sidney High School instrumental students

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Outreach at Sloane Estates

Paul Siebert - March 11, 2022


Missoula Children’s Theatre

More than 1,250 students attended two free Missoula Children's Theatre matinees!

First, I would like to say how happy we were to have Missoula Children’s theater back for the kids this year. This is an event that I look forward to each year and the shows are always entertaining. It is great to see the kids be able to have this experience and be on the stage working with older kids. My children have gone through this experience as actors and it is something they will always remember.

Thank you for allowing Missoula to continue to come back to Sidney and put on a great production for all the schools and the public.
— Rick Meyer (South Elementary Principal)
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Chicago Crash Dance

Over 700 students and staff attended Chicago Crash Dance Hip Hop 101

Thank you so much for having the Chicago Crash Dance matinee for our students! Our students enjoyed this so much and learned many lessons from this. The group did a fantastic job of teaching our students about the history of different styles of dance, along with life lessons. Our students continue to bring this opportunity up around the school and this will be a performance that our students never forget! Thank you!

Christmas at Home

Christmas Dinner before Daniel Christian's "Christmas at Home" performance.

Thank you for hosting Daniel Christian for the December performance. He provided such fresh and engaging Christmas music. I hope you invite him back to do an HPAC event. I am particularly grateful for the wonderful meal you all worked as a team to provide those with season passes. Please keep up the great work. Sidney is blessed to have HPAC as a part of our wonderful community.
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I am writing this letter of support for the High Plains Art Council in Sidney, Nebraska. As the Superintendent, speaking on behalf of Sidney Public Schools, we greatly support and appreciate our relationship with the High Plains Art Council. We strive to have a positive relationship/partnership with our community in general with specific emphasis on how those partnerships can benefit our students.

The High Plains Art Council provides opportunities for the community and for our kids! The opportunities to participate in programs like the Missoula Children’s Theatre and bringing in professional artists to speak to our students enhances our own fine arts program. Sidney Public Schools has been fortunate to have a strong fine arts program for many years. There are many reasons for this successful program. The High Plains Art Council is one of those reasons. The increased student exposure to the Arts builds interest which in turn leads to a positive impact on performance.
— Jay Ehler, Superintendent (Sidney Public Schools)

“Thank you for having us in Sidney this year. We appreciate you going out of your way to make us feel right at home. The auditorium was one of the best sounding rooms we’ve played, and the people were wonderful. We hope you all ejoyed it as much as we did.”

-The Talbot Brothers

Sidney Public Schools North Elementary students and staff are so extremely appreciative of the support we have received from the Fine Arts Council. They have generously planned and provided us the opportunity to bring in talented guests who share their expertise with all of our fourth grade classes. This program reaches approximately 100 fourth grade students every year. The students have been learning about Nebraska History and have also been studying about Native American tribes and their culture. This speaker will be an added, beneficial asset to our fourth grade curriculum. This will also help meet Nebraska fourth grade Social Studies standards. Fourth graders will really enjoy the opportunity to learn from Steve Tamayo this year as they participate in an art activity while they learn the Native American culture.

“You all do a fantastic job. We really enjoy the shows, and the prices are very reasonable which we always really appreciate!! Keep up the great work!”

-Audience Member

High Plains Art Council offers chances for residents of Cheyenne County (and even new visitors) to engage in enriching experiences that encourage connectivity and bring people out of their homes to be part of an event with others. Beyond providing entertainment opportunities, High Plains Art Council does an amazing job of spreading the word, using many different methods of communication including collaborating with local businesses for advertising through table tents or fliers, and utilizing social media pages to interact with the community.
— Hope Feeney, President/CEO (Cheyenne County Chamber of Commerce)

Education & Outreach




2,193+ youth attended 3 matinees and 4 hands-on workshops

28 retirement home residents
attended an in-house performance

1627 audience members attended 7 performances

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 Steve Tamayo

Mr. Tamayo provided a week long residency in Native American culture for our fourth grade students in 2018. He returned in 2019 and connected with over 90 students to teach about the rich Native American culture. The students were able to create their own container using cultural design.

Today we got to make are own earrings then we this cool game boys vs. girls stick game! The day before we made little paper teepees and we also finished our goat hide containers i’ll get to that in a sec, but even cooler the day before that we started our containers and with blue paper we cut out our designs and traced them. On Monday we learnd about Mr. T’s culture. Mr. T’s a nice, funny, and awesome guy he’s also a Native American Indian! The past 3 days have been GREAT!
— Kolten S
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